Create your lived experience…

The method of Your Authentic Self Work is grounded in concepts of social service, social responsibility and social justice. These ideals not only mark the birth of this work, but also its evolution into a decentralized model for human development that individuals can use to negotiate their own change processes.

This is work that centers on human beings and explores how they respond to change, both expected and unexpected—these fundamental aspects of the human experience and the ongoing process of people seeking meaning in the midst of uncertainty and the unknown. The work also explores cognitive dissonance; that is, discomfort within the changing mental spaces we occupy in reaction to shifting environmental contexts. It is also about human adaptability—the ability to not only survive, but thrive in fluid dynamics.

We offer a safe space in which you can reflect on and negotiate your own journey.  It is a space in which you can find the freedom to rethink your beliefs and, perhaps, rewrite the story of your life. The tools we present work to strengthen your self-knowledge and can help you remember that your most basic human tendency is to explore—and it is healthy exploration that can help you discover or clarify your purpose.

Using methods based in storytelling, creative expression, self-reflection, self-efficacy and self-authorship, we can help guide you toward a deeper awareness and understanding of your fears, struggles and doubts…toward a freedom you can own…to create your chosen story.